Some Vim protips
Vim is a great editor and vimtutor
is a great way to begin learning how to
use it. Occasionally, however, you’ll find needing much more specific tools
that are not often contained in an introductory manual, here are some of my
favorite less known uses of Vim.
Maybe you know you can move up/down a paragraph with {
, but did you know
you can also move up/down a sentence with (
Also you can go to the first line on the screen with H
(for high), to the
last line with L
(for low) and to the middle with M
While not technically motions, scrolling can be useful as well: you can put
your current line at the center with zz
and put it at the top/bottom
of your screen with zt
A truly wonderful feature of Vim is the hability of organizing the latest unsaved
changes for files with :changes
, which should display a list like the following
change line col text
2 85 0 ---> The cow jumped over the moon.
1 109 45 ---> There is some text missing from this line.
and to the Nth following
change with Ng,
(in this example, 2g;
goes to “The cow…”).
Just like buffers and macros, associated to every lowercase character c
can put a mark with mc
and then open it with '{mark}
Marks even work through multiple files, to do so you must make them uppercase
or numeric and open them with '{Mark}
as well.
By default, Vim creates automatically certain marks such as '^
for the last
position where text was inserted, '.
for the last change made, '[
the first/last character of the last changed or yanked text and '<
the first/last character of the last visual selection.
This allows the user to jump back and forth inside a file, though it can be
slightly misleading since marks are invisible; however, you may take a look at
your marks with :marks
You can also delete marks with :delm[ark] {list}
(for example, :delm ab1 d-f
deletes all marks a, b, 1, d, e and f).
Wrapping lines
If you have long lines in Vim you can cut them with the operator gq
to get
them into the 80-character limit (or gw
to not move the cursor position).
You can join multiple lines instead with the operator J
If, instead of the 80-character limit you’d prefer something like a break after 120 characters, you may change it with:
:set textwidth=120
Long lines will wrap by default, in order to move down/up through wrapped
lines you should use gj
Moreover, you can go to the beginning/end of a wrap with g0
You can also go the N percent of a wrap (from left to right) with NgM
example, 50gM
moves to the approximate half of the line, while 90gM
is near
the end).
(Un)folding lines
Very recently I discovered the wonderfull world of folding in Vim. You can
select some not-so-important lines with V
and now fold them with zf
is actually an operator and, as such, you can do things like zfip
to fold the
entire paragraph).
This temporarily hides them, but you can always unfold them (or open them)
with zo
and close them again with zc
, you can toggle this with za
You can fold lines recursively (i.e., making folds inside of folds) and
open/close them recursively with zO
You can delete a fold under the cursor with zd
(or zD
recursiveness), and undo a fold with zx
Since folding can made recursive, each fold has a level (or should it be a
depth?). You can increase the level globally with zm
(to fold more) and
decrease it with zr
(to reduce foldings).
You can close/open all folds with zM
After making all the necessary folds, you may save them with :mkvie[w]
reload them with :lo[adview]
If you don’t want to do this every time you close and open a file, you can turn
it automatic with the following code on your .vimrc
autocmd BufWinLeave *.* mkview
autocmd BufWinEnter *.* silent loadview
. You can also move inside to the beginning/end of a fold
with [z
Finally, and this is quite the cherry on top, you can automatize foldings.
By default Vim uses the foldmethod=manual
, but if you write Python files it
might be better to use :set fdm=indent
or if you write C files it might be
better to use :set fdm=syntax
Natively, Vim doesn’t include too many smart options for folding LaTeX files,
but the plugin vimtex certainly does. For
instance, to automatically fold both the preface and long multi-line comments
you may add the following to your .vimrc
let g:vimtex_fold_types = {
\ 'preamble' : {'enabled' : 1},
\ 'comments' : {'enabled' : 1}
:help usr_28
Multiple files at once
Most people either use a tiling window manager or a terminal tabbing system,
but Vim offers one by default (and I do believe it’s better!).
You know you can open horizontal splits by :split <file>
and vertical ones
with :vsplit <file>
, but Vim also allows for tabs with :tabnew <file>
personally I prefer tabs unless I am editing documents back-to-back.
You can also open up multiple files with vim from your terminal by running:
vim -[oOp] <file1> <file2> <...>
flag tells it to open up in splits/vertical
You can move between splits with <Ctrl-w>[hjkl]
, you can make two splits
(either horizontal or vertical ones) the same size with <C-w>=
, and also
change increase the size of the splits with:
for horizontal ones (you can use:<NUM>winc [+-]
in the command line).<C-w>>
for vertical ones (you can use:<NUM>winc [><]
in the command line). You can also manually set your vsplit to have N lines withzN<Enter>
You can navigate one tab up/down with gt
, you can move your current tab
one space before or after with :+tabm
, and also put your current tab
in the n-th position with :<n>tabm
and finally you can save your current
session with :mks <session>.vim
You may then re-enter your session with vim -S <session>.vim
and then save
the current changes with :mks! <session>.vim
; I use the following on my
to update sessions automatically with ZS
fu SessionSave()
if exists("v:this_session") == 1 && "v:this_session" != ""
exe "mks!" . v:this_session
nnoremap ZS :call SessionSave()<CR>
diff <a> <b>
you can use vim -d <a> <b>
and navigate
through both files, you can skip onto the next/previous change with ]c
Synchronized files
Vim is great for comparing multiple files at once. For instance, if you change a
file a
into a file b
you can compare them with vimdiff a b
. This
automatically synchronizes both windows, folds common lines and highlights
changes between both; you can disable highlighting with :diffoff!
There are other contexts in which you might want to synchronize different
windows (say for instance, you are translating a text) without necessarily
highlighting changes.
You can do this by doing vertical splits, and using the command :windo set scb
(shorthand for scrollbind
) and the command :windo set crb
(shorthand for
You can open both files in this format with:
vim -O <file1> <file2> -c "windo set scb" -c "windo set crb"
If there is an integer number under the cursor (including sign), you can
increase/decrease the number with <C-a>
Just very recently I found that you can create smart lists with Vim by
block-selecting (i.e., with <C-v>
) a block of same numbers and gradually
increase/decrease them with g<C-a>
For instance, the list:
Some further configurations at vimrc
You may know this already, but Vim does allow for configurations specific
towards certain filetypes.
For instance, the following line sets automatic folding for Python only:
autocmd FileType python set fdm=indent
autocmd FileType c set fdm=syntax
autocmd FileType tex nmap ZR :silent!<space>latexmk<space>-pdf<space>"%"<cr>
autocmd FileType python nmap ZR :!<space>python<space>"%"<cr>
:set ft?